(Posted by Susan Liao)
After the tsunami in Indonesian, on October 27, a baby boy about eighteen months old has been found on a clump of bushes by rescuers. Afterward the baby was taken to the local hospital, and the baby is recovering very well by doctors and nurses cared for him.
On October 27, a ten years old boy is the new rescuer of rescuers. He was found a baby crying on a clump of bushes and the baby still to live. Then, the new rescuer boy has taken the baby to the local hospital. The baby is recovering very well.
That baby gave a hope of existence to surviving the terrible disaster hundreds of people. So, the baby has been named “miracle baby”. The baby shows how the strong vitality he is.
The death toll has risen to morn than four hundreds people. Unfortunately, the miracle baby parents also died in that Indonesian tsunami.
Merapi, the Volcano’s guardian dies
The Volcano Merapi was erupting on October 26 in Indonesia . It has been thirty people were died on that accident. It is including Maridjan. He is the volcano’s guardian.
Maridjan is eighty-three years old man. He had been appointed by a king in Yogyakarta to watch that volcano. His body was found by rescuers on October 27. He was kneeled down to pray on the grand and his body capped with heavy white pozzolana.
On October 25, a newspaper reporter went to the Maridjan’s house. The newspaper reporter told Maridjan to evacuate from his house, but Maridjan refused to that newspaper reporter. “If I leave, it is meaning I didn’t respect to my duty” Maridjan said.
Maridjan was died. Villagers were sad and fear oft Volcano Merapi will erupt again. “Maridjan was just as important as Volcano Merapi. Now he was gone, who could protect Volcano Merapi?” a living there villager said.